
June Bug

Birthday Shout Outs:

the lovely Raquel Berrett

She turned 20! What an old girl. She had a little get together to celebrate. There was....

hot tubbing
ice cream cake
star gazing

It was a perfect summer night.

(what a sweetie. we've been friends since forever)

(I made her these abelskivers that morning!)

I love Raquel because she loves people and she's passionate.

Next up:

Preston Reese

He turned 22! He's very old. We had a picnic up the canyon, and I made him
butterfinger (his favorite candybar) cupcakes.

Preston is awesome because he's hilarious and loves to be around people.

last birthday shout out:

preston's roommates (and my friends now too) paul and kris

I think you two are pretty great as well!

I hope you all had wonderful june bug birthdays!

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