here's one of my favorite pictures from our engagement sessions (we got them back this morning!)
i love this one, but preston and my mom voted against it for our announcements...so i decided to share it here instead.
i looked through all of our pictures today probably around 100 times. i was nervous to get them back because i wasn't sure how they turned out. we had a crazy time getting up to the location, getting some props, and assembling outfits. of course, we were running late and a few things changed, but i still love how they turned out! we kinda look like siblings don't ya think?!
today i also met with the caterer and went to a wedding reception. we talked about all the ice cream and italian sodas with the caterer. then preston and i sang celion dion on our way to the reception (he knew the words better than i did. he says his mom taught him!) that is one of the many things i love preston. and he is just so darn cute! look at that picture and try and tell me otherwise. he doesn't like his face in it, but i think it's absolutely adorable.
in case you couldn't tell, i just adore my fiance.
30 more days people!!!